Tuesday 2 February 2010

Vocabulary list 7

  1. Mildew: A wet piece of clothing that is left around somewhere for a while and has not dried and has a bad smell.
  2. Out Of The Blue: A random thought that come from the sky and has to do nothing with the topic.
  3. Hesitantly: Saying or doing something for the first time and you find it awkward.
  4. Hatch: A verb or a window on a ship.
  5. Orientation: finding out where you are or getting directions of somewhere.
  6. Chateau: (In France) a castle or fortress.
  7. Thunderous: Making a loud sound.
  8. Contradiction: When you jump on something that someone has said and start and argument mainly with your parents.
  9. Faults: A failure of something or a line where an earthquake hit.
  10. Preserve: To keep something in good hands so you can use it again.

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