Try in the Pool
Two days before my family and I went scuba diving, my sisters and I had to learn about the equipment and get familiar with the equipment under water.

They explained these things and what they do:
- BCD (Buoyancy Device)
- Regulators
- Indicators/Instruments
The instructors also taught us things under water:

- Cleaning/Clearing the mask
- Bouyancy
Diving in Sponge Reef In Malaysia
The boat trip to the reef was about 1 hour from Langkawi. We first dropped of the snorkelers and then continued to the reef. Just before we went diving an instructor reminded us of most important things we n

eeded to know. I dived in first and I found the visibility very bad because of the green algae bloom, there was also a strong current. I did two dives, the first dive I only went 25ft down but saw a huge Napoleon fish, lion fish, lots of parrot fish, a moray eel, clown fish and many other. I went up for lunch and then dived again after that. My second dive was better than the first because a saw more different fish and a hawks bill turtle, the turtle was 45ft down under water and I was the first in my family to see it. After 40 minutes under water, I surfaced slwley and went back on to the boat.